You can find her on Twitter @Leonie_Dawson, Facebook www.facebook.com/leoniedawsonpage & at her blog www.leoniedawson.com.
I just wanted to make sure you’d heard about this.
* I am an affiliate of Leonie's Amazing Biz + Life Academy because I have found her work to be an amazing resource for living the life I love and making my dreams reality and I want you to know about it too.
Plus, prices are rising at the end of this month… so if you want to save hundreds, make sure you check it out now!
The Amazing Biz and Life Academy gives you over $3800 (!!!!) of her business and marketing programs to create a powerful and profitable business, zen-your-mind meditations, creativity, spirituality, home and health e-courses to help you live your best life yet. It’s really the complete toolkit!
Check the Amazing Biz and Life Academy out now or keep reading for more information...
PLUS, Leonie is a goddess of abundance, creativity + joy! I love how openly she teaches – if you know Leonie’s work, you’ll know she is SUCH an open book, so honest, vulnerable, heart-felt and true compared to so many other teachers out there! Seriously friends, whenever I watch one of her videos or read her words they brighten my day and encourages me.
I know it can be hard to take those first steps in spending money to support your dreams but I have found the academy to be a place of bountiful resources to build my dreams and make them happen.
There’s some pretty amazing success stories of women who’ve already received a HUGE amount of transformation in their lives and businesses from the Academy… go check them out and prepare to be inspired!!!
And now to show you one of my favorite things to do at the beginning of the month...
Leonie's inspirational art + calender + notes = monthly guide for getting "my rear in gear."
(You'll notice I printed and attached my gallery work that I put up on the first too.)
I like to put marketing ideas, art project ideas, when an order is placed, anything that will be helpful in these pages and I can go back through the year to see if I forgot to pursue an idea.
light and love.
p.s. Gentle reminder – Make sure you make your decision before October 1st so you can save hundreds!
p.p.s. if you need to see a sampling of her awesome work take a look at some goodies. If you are encouraged by Leonie's work take a leap and try the academy for a year before the price increase.