11 November 2011

bringing to light those around you

I would like to thank Jessica for her kindness in including me in her Versatile Blogger nominations. 

A few things about me :: 
:: I am currently having to relearn to cook because my daughter and I can not eat dairy
:: I get sensory overloaded ( is that a real term ?) my brain doesn't seem to filter "extras" very well.
:: Both of my children were born at home with my husband and wonderful midwives by my side.
:: My son was 11 pounds 1oz and my daughter was 9 pounds 6oz when they were born - I'm only 5'3"
:: I love most things crafty/artsy excluding crochet and scrapbooking
:: power tools scare me but I am slowly learning how to use them
:: instead of opening up a business I have bartered my photography skills, and have met some amazing people. 

If nominated please thank the person(s) who nominated you and link back to them. Tell the readers seven things about yourself and pass this award onto 15 newly discovered bloggers and let them know.

Many people touch my life without knowing it and so I would like to thank these bloggers for helping me by sharing your heart on your blog.

Quite a diverse group but each beautiful.